Massage by Girls provides the different massage services at very reasonable prices. The quality of massage therapy services are provided by our massage parlours.
Generally the massage rates are decided by the duration and type of massage therapy. Different therapies have different charges and may differ due to change in therapy.
Massage rates are set according to the duration of therapy treatment. There are basically four duration of appointment in which the people can get the massage therapy.
It is around 30 min, 45 min, 60 min and 90 min.
The rates are also decided according to the length of massage duration. Some therapy treatments are also costly so there will be change in rates. The massage and spa rates are also decided according to the locality of the spa centre.
Fees may be low in some area and high in the VIP areas. So you can choose the massage therapy according to the rates they are providing.
So please, look at the rates in the menu and then decided to take the therapy services. So don’t wait for anything and get the massage therapy done at our spa located near you.
Here is the list of our Massages and Rates
Type of Massage | Price |
Swedish Massage Therapy | INR 1300 |
Aromatherapy Massage | INR 1500 |
Hot Stone Massage | INR 1500 |
Deep Tissue Massage | INR 1300 |
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